Unlocking ESG
Opportunities with Ease

Embed sustainability in your business, increasing profitability and competitiveness.

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The How hub, provides and intuitive interface to tackle complex ESG world in bite size chunks

What Is HOW

A simple, self-guided tool to manage critical ESG topics on one platform


Track your waste to identify ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs, increasing your bottom line.



Track your energy usage to find ways to reduce consumption and switch to sustainable energy sources. Saving 1,000 kWh of electricity each month could save $3,600 annually.*

*Based on a $0.30 per kWh rate.


Track your greenhouse gas emissions using the GHG Protocol and local emissions factors, which are updated on a regular basis.


Modern Slavery

Reduce your supply chain risk by tracking and managing this, with a risk assessment based on the Global Modern Slavery Index.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Measure your Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, ensuring fair treatment and opportunities for everyone. Let HOW guide you on ways to implement improvement actions.

Track, measure and report your ESG data in one central location


Track your ESG progress and tasks on a personalised dashboard


Use the HOW policy templates within your organisation or replace with your own


Set and track ESG goals that are suited to your business ambitions


Generate reports showing your ESG progress to share with stakeholders

Why Use HOW

Save time centralising your ESG data and reporting

Meet your customers’ ESG reporting requirements

Protect market access for export businesses

Leverage sustainability as a competitive edge

Prepare for assurance readiness, auditing and certification

Reduce costs and gain efficiencies

Comply with mandatory reporting requirements

Set a path towards decarbonisation and net zero

De-risk your supply chain

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Who We Support

Creating Your Competitive Advantage

Small & Medium Business

Use HOW to help guide you through your ‘ESG’ journey, simplifying the experience, minimising your effort and focusing you on the areas that matter most.
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Membership Organisation

Use HOW to customise ESG content for your members and consolidate their ESG data to provide industry level sustainability reporting and metrics.
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Climate-Related Mandatory Reporting Group 1, 2 and 3

Use HOW to manage your sustainability reporting needs from small to medium businesses across your supply chain.
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The How Sustainability platform centralises our data to help us manage our ESG, set improvement targets, and track progress. It's intuitive, supports audits, and meets global supply chain requirements, and is ideal for SMEs in the food industry.

Sam Tucker
Managing Director/Owner

How Sustainability is a powerful tool that simplifies ESG tracking, delivers insightful reporting, and strengthens governance. Almondco found the policy implementation feature particularly valuable, enabling us to provide greater assurance to our customers. If you're struggling to keep up with the ever-evolving ESG landscape, I highly recommend this tool for making informed, sustainable decisions for your business

Dylan Klingbiel
Group Sustainability Manager

I love the simplicity of the How Sustainability platform, and how it is a ‘one-stop-shop’ to track and store all my historical and current ESG data, goals, policies, and reports. The link to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a big plus for me and gives me the tools and the data-backed evidence to communicate my ESG successes to my customers

Kelly Johnson
Owner, founder and outdoor enthusiast

How Sustainability is an easy-to-use platform that supports businesses at every stage of their sustainability journey.  Whether you're just starting out with ESG or aligning with advanced frameworks, the platform makes tracking and managing sustainability requirements straightforward.  It is an invaluable tool for monitoring your company's sustainable practices with confidence and clarity.

Melanie Dolphin
Manager, People and Culture